Content For the web and New Media
Business LifeVideos recently created a video that helped prominent Pasadena law firm win a multi-million dollar settlement for their client. Play the video at right to hear a testimonial on the process from the trial lawyer.
Values of a Presentation
•Builds awareness of who you are and what you offer
•Create familiarity with your customers
•People believe what they see in a professional video
•Create a positive attitude about you and your product
•Your subject matter can reach a greater audience
•Explains how you are different from your competition
•Customers will tell friends about a well written and photographed story
•Tie offers or coupons to watching the video
•Introduces you in the best light
•Breaks down barriers between you and customers
•Trains your sales staff on features and benefits
•Telling a good story will encourage more viewers by word of mouth
•Solves the problem of a silent web site--better communication
•Displays a consistent message which will update
•Creates confidence in your business
•People will remember you
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